You were the most efficient Realtor we ever had and we have sold in 58 years of marriage - 6 house and 2 condos. The modern devices make it faster and easier too - but all was done so pleasant- it was amazing. Thank you for your excellent service.
- Theresa
We were so lucky to have Dan as our realtor. He worked very hard for us and was always very professional and we felt that we could trust him. Very helpful and quick to do research to answer all of our many questions. Looking for a new home can be very stressful, but Dan made every thing go smoothly. He seemed to know which one was the right one for us. He explained each step of the transaction as we went along. He also helped our son find his first home and he is also very happy with Dan. We would recommend Dan to any one looking to buy or sell. Thank you Dan!!
- Don & Lyn
Dan Friesen was the perfect agent to assist our Mother in selling her condo and purchasing her new home. We couldn’t have expected a more professional, detail oriented, courteous, patient person to do the job. Dan was on point with the sale of Mom’s condo. His photos are amazing, his marketing and attention the detail was more than I ever expected......From the first meeting until after Mom moved into her home Dan was both courteous as accommodating. By choosing Dan you are getting quality service from a gentleman who knows how to do his job!
- Tracey